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We have many people who have not truly addressed their issues and who have not learned or been taught how to deal with those issues. Many may even think they don't have issues major enough to physically or mentally deal with, much less address. One may even argue that to truly address something you have to advance through a path towards a resolution. For the sake of this writing I will focus on this argument specifically. Notice the phrasing I said "advance through a path towards a resolution" not walk, tread, endure, etc. There is a reason for this, which is to grow while at the same time understand why you're going through the issues and the emotions as well as side effects that come with them. Something I want to also point out is that side effects are not inherently negative, especially to today's standards, therefore making a way to more people not seeing their issues in a light which is conducive to a resolution. That being said I would like to speak on what
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Random thoughts about Christianity

Religion can be a touchy subject for some people. There are many reasons for this. This is the case for many people whether it is because it is deeply rooted in their families life or one's culture. The study and practice of a certain religion may also be a personal decision​ or could even be forced by a loved one or third party. Something that tends to bother me is the practice of a religion out of ignorance. The reason this type of religious activity stands out to me is because in most cases from my experience the study or practice of a religion is a lifestyle or at least a big part of one's life. This may shape the outlook on others even help choose certain actions based on the ideals of the religion and even that person's take on particular subjects. These actions are based on the religious community or based on religious material such as writings or leaders. So ignorantly following something that can have this sort of severity is detrimental to one's self and soci


I want to start by saying my parents made me who I am today. My outlook and opinions​ expressed on the topics I speak about in no way reflect the opinion or views of my parents. My mother and father are great people and I will always strive to be as great as they are. The topics I speak of are simply my views​ and opinions​ and nothing more. Experiences​ have shaped the way I view the world the same way they do everybody. I also want to say that I believe there are many ideals, ways of life, accepted truths and many more things can not be and may never be provan as fact or truth. I will speak about these topics often.